jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

Hellow guys, today im going to talk about the actitvy of class.

Today we make a tour for faculty around the differents workshop of all classmates, and was a great activity, we learn more about every one work and technic and we practice explain in english our work.

I fell that the tour was very interesting, we share the proyects and technic, and explain what we do, so i think that was very nice.

All my partners have many talents, and every one are different

My felling was the class go on very fast, and visit the workshop with another classmates working was funy too, all they suprise.

I think the activity made us practice very much and learn more about presentation.

Also we made videos and take photos, so all this record we share in our group on facebook, i think all this made the group of class fell more confidence, this kind of activity always are remember because we made something different

I hope this activity one day another groups made too, because we get more practice and experience and understand that not all the class is necesary made in room,


2 comentarios:

  1. stefa !
    I liked the work of your classmate of experimental workshop !

  2. Hi Stefa! It was very interesting see the work of all of us. I enjoyed very much!
