lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2015

Video  II

A journey i would like to make

pd:sorry for my face im be sleepy, this are the last days! almost finish!


jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015

Hi today is Merry Chrismas! And i have to talk about my next holidays.
And this next holidays i have a few things programmed but nothing really important or big.

I dont have a plan, because this semester i dont work so i dont have money, my real plan is go to my family decided, and this place is in Chile, maybe in the north or south.

I have a friends and cousin in Valdivia so maybe i go there too.

I dont mine what happen this holidays because i know that im going to enjoy everything. I dont mind the place its just that the experience the important for me.

Enjoy the the moments, the peolpe, friends, family, places, landscapes, a book, a movie, food, nights watching stars, simple things.

In january i finish the class, and then im going to go to Jazz Festival in Providencia, a show in Teatro Municipal with my mom, we have the tickets ready, and then with my father we are going to travel to El Tabo for a days, this are the plans for the moment.

I like January in Santiago, cultural activitys happen, the nights are nice, you could drive a bike is very relaxing.

And in February is boring because nobody are, and the heat is very heavy, so this month is better go away to santiago.

Because the year is finished, i want to wish to everyone good moments with her family and friends, enjoy the parties, hugs and kisses.

Hugs for all!!

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Hellow today im going to talk about a T.V series, and this is interesting for me because since i was kid i watch series of cartoons, then teenager, and adult. 

I watched series all my life, and is because i liked very much, if i start to see one program and i like, its transform in something that i know i have to see on every monday 21hrs, channel ...., and i wait to see.

I could wait week a week to see one chapter and then wait for another, until the last chapter of the season.
I think somethimes is a adiction for me, for example when i start to see Games of Thrones i fell adict to the serie, the history, the characters, all about it. Because it was great history and series, is like a movie but divided in chapters and seasons.

The best is see how the characters start to change and transform, until the final chapter, when all happen: desaster, love, dead, traicion, magic, all things! is very excited!

Between the series i watched all my live i could remeber The Flintstones, Tom and jerry,
Heidy, vey much cartoons, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, The fresh prince of Bel- Air, Saved by the bell, Dawson`s Creek, Friends, ER, True boold, Games of Thrones, How i meet your mother, True Detective, etc.
I find a top list of the best series, you could see in this link,

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Hellow today im going to talk about my future work, and i dream working in all the thinks that i like to do.

In my experience i work in every kind of jobs, like seller of books, clothes and food.

When i finish Design career i work in a office and i learn very much, but i dont like work with a notebook all day, i start to fell vey tired and boring and stressed, so i understand that my life was never be happy in there.

So i decided be independent, i believe that exist different solutions for to get money, the only solution is not the office and the ungry boss, all the people need her space and the real work, is very important fell comfortable in the jobs.

My proyect is made different products handmade, i preffer made by myself the things, with my colors and inspiration, with my time. Also give workshop and cultural proyects.

Sometimes the works and proyects arrive to me and all are different, is great because become a challenge and a new experience, also i learn very much.

The next year i have to finish the career and organize the “proyect of house”, i have to program all i want to do, i hope all resoult good!

Regards and hugs!

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

Hellow guys, today im going to talk about the actitvy of class.

Today we make a tour for faculty around the differents workshop of all classmates, and was a great activity, we learn more about every one work and technic and we practice explain in english our work.

I fell that the tour was very interesting, we share the proyects and technic, and explain what we do, so i think that was very nice.

All my partners have many talents, and every one are different

My felling was the class go on very fast, and visit the workshop with another classmates working was funy too, all they suprise.

I think the activity made us practice very much and learn more about presentation.

Also we made videos and take photos, so all this record we share in our group on facebook, i think all this made the group of class fell more confidence, this kind of activity always are remember because we made something different

I hope this activity one day another groups made too, because we get more practice and experience and understand that not all the class is necesary made in room,


martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

Hellow today im going to talk about my plans after university

I dont have  very clear but i want to start made money and work, is very important for me start to do my products and wherever i want to do.

My mom have a big house and we are thinking made a proyect in this house, this proyect is rent rooms for workshop, student or foreigner. So we need to start to collect the furniture and objects of second hand for the decoration and installation.

In this house on the back are a big room and im interest in this room for me, i want that room for my workshop, for the space, is very large, i colud set up a area for paint, another for paper works, and another textil, and have all the elements for work and inspirate.

I dream with the moment when the house transform in a cultural center with many artist, design, architects or any kind of artist, i want experiment different expression of arts in this house.

I want this because i think is very important the interaction and socialize proyects and experience.

When its ready im going to invited to visit and participed, See you!

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Hellow! Today im going to talk about the best concert ever, and it was Natiruts, the concert was in Santiago, Chile, in the concert hall of Manuel de Salas School, this is in Ñuñoa, very close to Plaza Nuñoa.

This group is from Brazil, and is in portuguese lenguage and is reggae style.
I always love reggae and brazilian music, so this mix sounds very good, is a happy music and relax. This concert was acustic and the band have many member, so is a great band i recomend all the time!

When it was, nobody decided go with me, so i go alone hahahha, and it was a different experience,  in another time i preffer miss the concert if i dont have partner, but in this oportunity go alone made me explore and have new experience, i know new people and the music sound very good, my place was very close to the stage so i enjoy all the concert, i felling so happy that i never forget it...

This concert was recorder in brazil you can watch complete on youtube, 
Hugs and kisses!

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Hellow, today im going to talk about a country i would like to go to, and  i would like to travel a some place and stay weeks, or mounth or years.

For me is not important the country, the important is the experience of visit another country, take a time to know this especial place in the world, look the different people and culture.

So its necesary calculate the time that maybe takes you to go and visit. And always its depend about the proyects, activities and money!.

I always dream that maybe one day i find a proyect in another country so i have to stay mounths. I hope one thay happen, i think is so interesting, and thats are my oportunity and strategy to travel and visit places in the future.

So for me is very importan the experience, i try to visit places, know people, visit landscapes and explore. For me this is the must important, be curious and learn,
learn more...
I have very much expectation about this, i realy want to do soon, maybe to Chiloe!
