jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

My dream vacation.
For my dream vacation, i 'd like to go to different places, but one place that i always dream is Antartica, i dream of traveling to the end of Chile, to this far land, and see the landscapes with snow and glacier, maybe a whale in the sea and penguin, see the flora and fauna.

I would start from Chiloé to Coyhaique, Punta Arenas, Puerto Williams, and then if it is posible to Antartica. I know it is a long trip but i think in the places and moment and nothing rush me.

I think the most i dream is with the places and the nature, understand the life of the animal and plants, and the weather, i'd like to go soon, and maybe alone, and in the process know new persons.

I feel that when you are with nature all around is all different, the city stop to be important and the life take another time and moments, so i invited to dream with far away places and strange climate, to prove you that this planet is beautiful and we are a flowers and suns...

Hugs for all!

3 comentarios:

  1. I Stefa! The Antarctic must be very beautiful but I only see her in pictures... It´s too cold outside for me. I hope one day you can travel to all the places you want.


  2. Antartica i so great landscape. I hope you can travell at the Antartica one day !

  3. Hi Stefa! I want too go to Antartica someday too! I think that we must to know our country and then others places! Ii hope you can travel some day
