jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Hi, mi name is Stefania Daroch and I'm a student of arts. I was born in Santiago, in 22 april in 1988, I always live in this city. My firts studys was in Saint Mary Joseph School, a litle school very near to my home so I go in this college all the years. Then study Design in UTEM, Tecnological Metropolitan University, I learned very much and liked very much the career, but when i started too work in office, I decided to did a change in my live, because I started to saw the works world and opended my mind. When i was chield i always wanted to be a artits or do somenthing artistic, and in the moment when i started to work in office i saw that this work is not for me, i love do things like hand made, by mayself, thats make me happy, so i decide live my live doing what i like to do. So i worked in a book store like 2 years, i learned too much about all cain of thing about culture and arts i love this years because i have a thirst for knowledge, i always read and learn about history, culture, arts, music, movies, documentary,philosophy, etc. So then all this change and decision i decided study Arts in University of Chile, and now i always learned more and more, and sometimes is hard, but then you see the result and fell happy. My family is very big, i have very much uncle and cousin, in the village there i live all my familiy live close, so we have a close relation, we see all the weeks, all the time and for this they are very important for me because all are a best friends for me. In the school, with the all years that i studied i made my best friends, Francisca, Pamela and Cata, we are very close and we have a faithful relationship. Pamela the pass year was mom, and now she lives in Temuco, and Cata travel to live in Australia, and Francisca in the next days she and her boyfriend Gabriel, are moved to Australia too, so sometimes i misses very much, but with the technology always we talk, i just miss more the hugs, and the time we spend together. My hobbies are all related with arts, design, culture, and history, so i hope another they write about this theme. See you!!

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi Stefania! I like wath you wrote because this show the love that you have for the arts. You are a person who is always with diferents types of art expression around and that is great. See you!

  2. Hi Stefa, is very interesting your history of your carrear, the work can making changes in the view of life :/

    1. Hi Fran, is true, we need belive in what we real wants, hugs!

  3. Hi dear. well i love your voice, when I'am reading your text think about our friendship and its great.
